Friday, February 18, 2011

SEEKING OUR NEW NORMAL (Our First Four Weeks Home)

For those still checking, here is our first four weeks home.  We have gone through some major changes, and as a friend of our's said "You're seeking your new normal," and so we are.  Fights abound and fun can abound as well.  We have made major breakthroughs, implementing techniques of punishment and blessings.  We have had fights that were tough, but my advice to anyone reading our blog that is going through adoption in the future, is to let them talk.  And if and when they say they don't like America and don't love you, just reassure them that you love them regardless.  No doubt they will retaliate with they still don't love you, but don't let it get you down.

Now back to our family.  For some information on major events, we all received new bikes! And so that served as our Christmas back in  the States.  We all like to ride our new bikes and playing games and such, but eventually we must get back into the swing of things.  We implemented chore charts and the schedule for school and the different days of the week.  We all have our duty's to fulfill, and we are starting to get used to it all.

We went to see the new Chronicles of Narnia movie, but really it's old to all of you it's just we were out of country and couldn't watch it.  Last Friday we had our Valentine skating party and had a blast.  We all enjoy skating and even Mom and Dad skated around.  I must say they cannot match my skill though, well... the skill that I posses anyway. We had our Valentine's day and are enjoying life in a big family environment.  I will continue to post weekly or bi-weekly or whenever I get the itch to blog, till then... Das ve donya.

New bikes.

Mine is the swanky blue Shwinn... I think that's how you
spell it.

Vladik likes scooters better, so we got him a new one.

Vladik also received a train set.

Kristina playing with Fuzzoozils.

We didn't get much, but it snowed here too.

At Sam's Club.


  1. Glad you guys are surviving well. It's got to be quite an adjustment for everyone. Sometimes I'm glad Dennis doesn't know enough English to say some of the things I'm sure he's feeling sometimes.

  2. Great post, Kaden..I logged on and was surprised to see you are still's interesting to see how the adjustment phase is going. I am praying for your family's strength to get through this time. It can't be easy for any of you, but with love and the love for Christ you all will sail through in the end. Love you all and hope to be able to visit soon either in lower Alabama or V'burg. Saw papa Ken this weekend. Tell your dad not to forget to call him this week, his birthday is the 23rd! Love, Aunt LA
