Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 of waiting period, Sunday - Day 22

A few pictures from our 3rd waiting day.  Nothing to do but have fun with the kids and party.  We start the partying tomorrow.  Today Mom and Dad found this great ball at the street market and thought the kids would have fun it.  Luba loved it as you can see below.

Father and son playing Uno.

Mom playing Go Fish with Lera (she the hard to see one) Yula, Kate,  & Veeka

While Mom played cards she got a new hairdo by Oksana.

It may not look like it, but I take ping pong seriously.


  1. Karen, Steve and Kayden this is Pam and I just wanted to let you know that I have been reading and watching everyday. I am so excited for all of you but, Karen that is not a good do for you. It is better than an Afro but I think you need to reconsider coming home with that hairdo. :) We never see each other much but sure have missed you and can't wait to meet the new family members. God has truely blessed your family and me for knowing you and yours. Love to you and all your family, Pam

  2. Thanks Mrs. Pam for your comments on my hair, but when in Rome...

  3. Rematch!!!! Steve, you better do so more practicing! I WILL beat you next time! hahahaha Looks like you are having a blast! Love, Aunt Leigh Anne
