Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Second Part of the Day - Day 13 Part 2

 Outside it is a beautiful day.  We have had a warming trend and the sun is actually out.  The snow has melted and the streets are clearing from the ice.  Walking outside is not as treacherous as it has been so we decide to venture out again to the market.  As we leave the Internot (this is the word they use for orphanage) we stop to take a picture of the orphanage's pets.

Our favorite animals in Severodonetsk.  CAT:  If I stare at this wall hard enough, they won't know I, here.

This is the outside of the Internot.  A great day to take pictures so you can see where the children live.  The buildings are approximately 52 years old, gauging by the Roman Numeral year posted at the top of the main building which says MCMLIX (1959, right?).  There are 3 buildings that make up the internot.  They form the shape of a horse shoe.  Looking into the horse shoe at the base is the main building.  This is where you go in and out.  Where the animal's photos were taken.  This is also the building that is know as the school.  The children attend class in this building.  It also contains the auditorium where the programs are held that we have been attending.  This main building is also where the director's office is located.

The other 2 buildings, one to the left and one to the right of the main building, are where the children live.  Different age groups or classes on different floors.  Different size rooms abound.  some holding 6 children, some holding 2.  There are larger rooms on each floor where the children and visitors can visit.  These could be called TV rooms as well because each has a TV in it.  The children do like to watch TV and not always age appropriate material we have found.    We have 2 children in the left building and 2 children in the right building.  Each on different floors than the other.  So although they are at the same Internot their lives are very separate.  Check out the pictures below...

Main building at the far end of the horseshoe.

Building to the left of the main building.

Building to the right of the main building.

Internot complex from a distance.


OOOPS! Someone got there before we did!

Meat abounds here.  The fish can be quite smelly and catch you off guard as you enter the market.

This is a huge space with lots of vendors selling, meats, flowers, pastries, breads, fruit and candy.

Out back of this building are lots of booths, each with a general theme.  This of course is lighting.  Anyone see one you would like for your home?

Household items.  Steve bought a coffee mug here so he could drink his coffee he makes with his hotpot he bought the other day from one of the vendors.  He loves his hotpot and his American coffee.

People browsing at the different booths to the left and right.  We see a lot of American brand items here.  Crest toothpaste, Tide detergent, etc.  Lots of vendors selling clothing apparel also.  I think you could find just about anything here.

Sweet Babushkas trying to make ends meet by selling some goods at the street market.

Part of the show earlier.  Guys dressing up as Babushkas.  It was really funny!

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