Saturday, January 22, 2011


Well, if you went to the airport regardless of me forgetting to tell you the time we fly in, you made a trip for nothing.  Once we left the Macy’s we drove in our rental van to Golden Corral to eat, and once done eating headed to the airport, but on the way we programmed our rental van’s GPS to take us there.  We followed the directions it gave us and it took us to the wrong place.  Apparently it was BWI industries( That is just an example, it took us to a similar address is what I am trying to say).  I kept waiting for Dad to say in the van, and I quote as I heard in my Imagination, Dad: “Karen… can you hand me the GPS?” Mom then hands him the device and then imagine the window in the van rolling down and then hear the satisfying crash of the GPS on the side of the road, and then hearing the GPS in the distance saying, “Recalculating” but that didn’t happen, we kept the GPS and decided to use it to again to get us to the right place.  So we use it to get to the general area while it takes us through a downtown area that probably no one has ever heard of before and tries to take us to the airport.

  By this time we are about an hour and a half till our flight leaves, and we are doing everything we can to make it on time.  We still have to drop our van and take the shuttle from the parking garage to the airport and check our bags in as well.  and on top of all this it doesn’t help when you have 22 bags to carry around and two of the kids feel sick so they can’t be much help.  We check our bags and then It took us about 40 minutes to get through security and then we run to our gate for boarding. Everyone made on the moving sidewalk except Kristina and me, two guys that didn’t feel like walking on it got in our way so we couldn’t get past.  Now I thought about jumping  over the side but decided that we would just wait till the end of the sidewalk.  Once there we ran around the two guys and caught up to the others, but it was to late.  Our plane was sitting right in front of us but was already done boarding.

 We asked if we could get the next flight out but we couldn’t till the next day, and on top of that we were put on standby for that flight so we may not even get on it.  Also our bags were on this flight so we only have the clothes in our carry-on’s.  We don’t feel like trying to find a hotel by ourselves so Dad calls his work’s travel agent and we’re good to go.  We head towards the baggage claim area and Vladik decides to show off his Karate skills and rolling his drink bottle and himself around on the floor.  We don’t have a problem with him doing so so I remark that people probably think he’s a special needs child, and then I do my interpretation of Vladik.  Once the shuttle picked us up we headed to our hotel and then left again to eat.  We also had a really cool bus driver that drove us around (The hotel shuttle drives anywhere within a five miles), and once we ate we went back to the hotel and slept.

The next day (Today) we woke up at four in the morning and got ready to go to the airport for our standby flight at 8:05, when we got there we found out that there was a two way flight to Chicago then to Jackson and so we took it, we made the flight and now are waiting for our flight to Jackson.  Again, if anyone wants to meet us, please feel free to, it arrives at 2:05. 


  1. Oh no... I'm so sorry you guys. You must have gotten one of those Hertz always lost devices.

  2. You guys shoulda called us! We coulda helped you figure it out ... we've been to that airport like a dozen time! I'm sorry it didn't work out for you guys, but God always has a plan, even if you don't know why it was His plan for you!
